Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Friday, 29 April 2022

In the garden today...

 This was meant to be a post about what is flowering now in the garden but I was completely side-tracked by birdwatching...

Bluetits hunting for insects...

Jackdaws feeding. One bird drops the seed to the others waiting below.

Sometimes it feels like it isn't me doing the watching!
(sparrow, jackdaw, blackbird)

Flowering in the garden now are lilac, Californian lilac, knapweed, early climbing roses, clematis, Mexican orange blossom, bluebells, forget-me-knot, strawberries, snow-in-summer, heather, daisies, dandelions and white clover.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Summer Ran Dry...

Don't forget to upload your Big Butterfly Count results by the end of August, there is still time to take part, the count runs until the 12th of August. More details on YouTube here ~ Big Butterfly Count

Please take part in this year's RSPB Swift survey ~ details here. They are on the amber list and numbers are plummeting in the UK.

Too hot to garden and ground baked solid, so here's some photos instead from when the summer ran dry...

french beans

painted lady

red admiral

painted lady




onions drying

long-tailed tit

long-tailed tits in tree canopy